The North Kingston Neighbourhood Forum has submitted a response to the planning application for a new development on Canbury Car Park, Richmond Rd. However it is important that residents also take the opportunity to comment. The more comments recieved the better. Please consider the points below when making your comments. Only relevant and valid objections will be considered - For example - the height of the structure is consistant with all local and regional plans and as such, means that objections over height will be ignored.

Please note that this proposal includes the permanent closure of Kingsgate road with traffic routed via Seven Kings Way (Sainsbury) or left along Richmond Road via Sopwith Way (a new road layout with a left turn in front of Gala bingo hall), and a lane reduction southbound along Richmond road. Most RBK residents see this amendment as the single key issue with this proposal.
The development has been reduced in size and height since the original application, but the Forum still has concerns. These concerns include:
* A lack of affordable housing especially key worker
* Increased traffic congestion and pollution from the closure of Kingsgate Road
* Safety hazards for pedestrians and cyclists at the Gala Bingo junction
* Drainage and flooding problems
* Loss of disabled parking
* Negative effects on the local economy
The NK Forum recommends that the Royal Borough of Kingston reconsider the plans and allow Kingsgate Road to remain open.
Please consider making your views known at the earliest opportunity via the comments link below.